8 April 1831 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+ On on 8 April 1831, Catherine Fye and her children were allowed, by the court committee, one years maintenance from the estate of David Naugle. The appointed committee were Jacob Cline, Elias Bost, Christian Hawn, and Henry W. Robinson. The committee allowed: all the corn and wheat on hand; the box that contains the wheat; four bags of flower and meal; the large pot, the Dutch oven, skillet, and all the kitchen furniture sitting on the shelves; the fire shovel, three chairs, a bread tray, and sifter; the chest, one bed and bedstead, a small bed, two more beds, and a cradle; her choice of wash tubs, and the butter churn; all the bacon and lard on hand, and a salt barrel; eight heads of hogs, one sheep, two cows, one calf, and bull; weaving looms, and all the flax tow, cotton wool, and a bag of feathers; a crock with soap, and a keg with vinegar; one axe and two corn hoes; a three year old colt; the leather when finished that is at Jacob Shufords, Tanner,; and all the wheat that is now growing.