Elizabeth Hoffman
F, #651, b. about 1764, d. 1842
About 1764 | North CarolinaG 1797
26 April 1797 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+ Age 34
Birth 5 October 1762 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
GDeath: after January 1823 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
G+Solomon Dietz and Elizabeth Hoffman were married on 26 April 1797 in Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
Name Elizabeth Dietz, -(Hoffman)
26 April 1797
1842 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
William Cox
M, #652
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
George Hoffman
M, #653, b. about 1713, d. about 1794
Death: about 1787 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
1749 | Emigrated to American.
About 1794 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Catherina Rein
F, #654, d. about 1787
Birth about 1713 | Germany
GDeath: about 1794 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
Name Catherina Hoffman, -(Rein)
About 1787 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Baltzar Hoffman
M, #655, b. before 1755
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Samuel Hoffman
M, #656
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Catherine Hoffman
F, #657
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Elizabeth Hoffman
F, #658
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Jane D. Powell
F, #659, b. 4 July 1809, d. 3 November 1846
4 July 1809 | South CarolinaG 183728
Estate Set
6 November 1837 | York, York, South CarolinaG 183828
31 January 1838 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG Jane D. Powell was appointed guardian on 31 January 1838 in York, South Carolina, United States
G. Jane D. Powell named guardian of her younger and minor sister, Cynthia Naomi Powell.

1843 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG Birth about 1812 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
G+Death: August 1862 | Sumter, Alabama, United States
GJohn S. Naugle and she were married in 1843 in York, South Carolina, United States
31 January 1844 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG She was served with a district court petition on 31 January 1844 in York, South Carolina, United States
3 November 1846 | Sharon, York, South CarolinaG+
York, York, South CarolinaG 

U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
June 1810 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG8 |
June 1820 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG9 |
June 1830 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG10 |
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
- [S1366] Brent H. Holcomb, "Tombstone Inscriptions: Sharon Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, York County", South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research III3 (1975): p. 4. Hereinafter cited as "Sharon Tombstone Inscriptions."
- [S1367] John Darwin will (22 November 1836), York County, South Carolina Will Book G Will Book G: "Item. To the children of my daughter Rachel, I will, the tract of land whereon Rachel with her husband John Powel resided at her death, and also my Negro girl Rose with her issue (except the oldest child) I will that said family live together on said land, and enjoy the benefit of the above bequest so long as practicable. But in the case the majority refuse to continue as a family and support their aged Father, then when the youngest comes of age to inherit, the said land and Negro or Negroes shall be sold and the price be equally divided amongst the children. I will to my Grand daughter Jane Powel the oldest child of the aforesaid Rose and I do desire most earnestly that the said Jane Powel do consult some experienced friends with regard to my request concerning the best interest of the family as such. I name Wm Jameson as a friend to directin this matter.". Hereinafter cited as York Will Book G.
- [S1365] Cynthia Naomi Powell v. Jane D. Powell, File #2176., Case #50: Jane and Naomi were beneficiaries of the last will and testament of John Darwin, Sr. Jane (Powell) Naugle acted as guardian until March 1842 death of Cynthia.21 pages, not numbered.
- [S1365] Cynthia Naomi Powell v. Jane D. Powell, File #2176., Case #50.
- [S1365] Cynthia Naomi Powell v. Jane D. Powell, File #2176., Case #50: J.M Hope, Administrator of the Estate of C.N. Powell (and brother-in-law to the sisters), petitioned the court on 31 January 1844 to review the final guardian settlement by Jane D. Powell. Ordinary Benjamin Chambers ruled in favor of the Guardian at which point Hope filed an appeal. After taking evidentiary testimony, Chambers determined: that the total value of the C.N. Powell Estate was $71.36 (rather than $68.90 claimed by Guardian); that $43.71 would be due Administrator Hope; that $27.65 be retained by John and Jane Naugle (esentialy two inherited shares of the estate); and that the Naugles would pay court costs.
- [S1366] Brent H. Holcomb, "Sharon Tombstone Inscriptions", p.4.
- [S1809] Ron, Compiler, Gedsite Cemeteries: Media Links to Source, new edition (link, 6 Feb 2017, RootsMagic & Gedsite, Software Land) p. 3, Sharon
- [S1846] 1810 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1847] 1820 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1848] 1830 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
John Lafayette Naugle
M, #660, b. 1844
1844 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG 1850~6
23 October 1850 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG 

3 March 1862 | Gainsville, Sumter, AlabamaG John Lafayette Naugle served in the on 3 March 1862 in Gainsville, Sumter, Alabama
G. Private, Company A, 36th Alabama Infantry Regiment
7 December 1862 | Mobile, Mobile, AlabamaG He served in the on 7 December 1862 in Mobile, Mobile, Alabama
G. Lafayette suffered from measles, pneumonia, and was assessed as "also mentally deficient."
13 March 1863 | Sumter, Alabama, United StatesG He served in the on 13 March 1863 in Sumter, Alabama, United States
G. Conscripted and sent to Camp Watts. Assigned CSMC 20 April 1863 at Mobile. Served in Cos. A and F. Transferred to Drewry's Bluff, VA 9/19/63. Assigned to Marine Guard, CSS Fredericksburg on 5/14/64.
15 June 1865 | Point Lookout, St. Marys, Maryland
He ended military service on 15 June 1865 in Point Lookout, St. Marys, Maryland. Captured Farmville, VA 6 April 1865. Sent to Point Lookout, Maryland. Released 15 June 1865.
23 July 1867 | Sumter, Alabama, United StatesG John Lafayette Naugle was named in the estate settlement of
John S. Naugle on 23 July 1867 in Sumter, Alabama, United States
John Lafayette Naugle served with the CSA in the American Civil War. Co. A 36th Alabama Infantry Regiment CSA; CSMC
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
6 September 1860 | Sumterville, Sumter, Alabama, United StatesG9 |
21 June 1870 | Livingston, Sumter, AlabamaG10  |
Last Edited | 4 February 2017 |
- [S1841] 1850 US Federal Census, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, population schedule,Eastern Division, p. p. 338, dwelling/family 540/540, David Huffman; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : viewed 23 Oct 2006.)
- [S1363] , Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama, NARA M311, 508 rolls (http:www.fold3.com: Fold3.com), roll 366, index card for John L. Naugle, Pvt., Co. A, 36th Alabama Infantry Regiment. Hereinafter cited as Alabama CSA Service Records.
- [S1363] , Alabama CSA Service Records, NARA M311, 508 rolls, roll 366, index card for John L. Naugle, Pvy., Co. A, 36th Alabama Infantry Regiment.
- [S1364] Ralph Donnelly, compiler, Service Records of Confederate Enlisted Marines (Washington, NC: Self, 1979), p. 76. Hereinafter cited as CSA Marine Service Records.
- [S1363] , Alabama CSA Service Records, NARA M311, 508 rolls, roll 366, index card for Jno. L. Naugle, Pvt., CS Marine Corps.
- [S1364] Ralph Donnelly, CSA Marine Service Records, p.76.
- [S1424] John S. Naugle, Probate Court Minutes of Sumter County, Alabama, Volume 12A (1867-1871), pp. 143-145. Hereinafter cited as Sumter Probate Court Minutes.
- [S1423] John S. Naugle, Orpahans Court Records of Sumter County, Alabama, Volume 24 (1867-1871), pp. 443-44. Hereinafter cited as Sumter Orphan Court Records.
- [S1850] 1860 US Census, Sumter County, Alabama, population schedule,Northern Division, p. p. 37/603, dwelling/family 290/290, John S. Naugle; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : viewed 5 Oct 2006.)
- [S1851] 1870 US Census, Sumter County, Alabama, population schedule,Township 19 Range 1-4, p. p. 196/221, dwelling/family 63/53, Lafayett Naugle; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : viewed 7 Jun 2008.)
George WD Naugle

M, #661, b. 5 June 1845, d. 26 August 1934

Tombstone-George W.D. Naugle
George WD Naugle served with the Union in the American Civil War. Co. A, 31 st Illinois Infantry Regiment
5 June 1845 | York, South Carolina, United StatesG 18505
23 October 1850 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG 

13 March 1862 | Marion, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United StatesG George WD Naugle enlisted in the CSA military on 13 March 1862 in Marion, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States
G. Co. A 37th Mississippi Infantry Regiment CSA
20 September 1862 | Iuka, Tishomingo, Mississippi, United States
He ended military service, by capture, on 20 September 1862 in Iuka, Tishomingo, Mississippi, United States. Captured at Iuka, Mississippi 20 September 1862.
16 December 1863 | Cairo, Perry, Illinois, United States

8 May 1879 | Perry, Illinois, United States
He filed a veteran's military Pension Application on 8 May 1879 in Perry, Illinois, United States.

About 1898 | Adams County, IllinoisG Birth 22 August 1855 | Jericho, Chittenden County, Vermont
GDeath: 18 February 1929 | Quincy, Adams, Illinois, United States
26 August 1934 | Riverside, Adams County, Illinois
28 August 1934 | Quincy, Adams, Illinois, United StatesG 
He served with the CSA in the American Civil War. Co. A, 37 th Mississippi Infantry Regiment CSA
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
6 September 1860 | Sumterville, Sumter, Alabama, United StatesG8 |
30 July 1870 | Pinckneyville, Perry County, IllinoisG9 |
8 July 1880 | Pinckneyville, Perry County, IllinoisG10 |
5 June 1900 | Riverside, Adams County, Illinois11 |
21 April 1910 | Kearny, Hudson County, New JerseyG12 |
7 January 1920 | Quincy, Adams, Illinois, United StatesG13 |
6 June 1930 | Riverside, Adams County, Illinois14 |
Last Edited | 29 August 2021 |
- [S1763] Illinois "Illinois, Deaths & Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947", database, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com)
- [S1841] 1850 US Federal Census, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, population schedule,Eastern Division, p. p. 338, dwelling/family 540/540, David Huffman; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : viewed 23 Oct 2006.)
- [S1363] , Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama, NARA M311, 508 rolls (http:www.fold3.com: Fold3.com), Roll 371. Hereinafter cited as Alabama CSA Service Records.
- [S1764] Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Ilinois, M539 (: Fold3, 2011), Fold3#11-055, George W.D. Naugle, Infantry
- [S1765] Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900, microfilm publication T289 (Washington, D.C.: NARA/Fold3, 2011), Roll 36, George W.D. Naugle
- [S1763] Illinois, "Illinois, Deaths & Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947", database, Ancestry.com, George W.D. Naugle
- [S1809] Ron, Compiler, Gedsite Cemeteries: Media Links to Source, new edition (link, 6 Feb 2017, RootsMagic & Gedsite, Software Land) p. 4, Sunset
- [S1850] 1860 US Census, Sumter County, Alabama, population schedule,Northern Division, p. p. 37/603, dwelling/family 290/290, John S. Naugle; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : viewed 5 Oct 2006.)
- [S1851] 1870 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1853] 1910 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1854] 1920 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1855] 1930 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Jacob Setzer, II
M, #662, b. 1756, d. 1834

1810 Federal Census-Jacob Setzer Senior
1756 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+ 1774
About 1774
Birth between 1756 and 1757 | Franklin, Georgia, United States
GDeath: after 1830 | Franklin, Georgia, United States
1776 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG He served in the Revolutionary War Service in 1776 in Franklin, Georgia, United States
Land Pat
Between 1778 and 1782 | Burke, North Carolina, United States
Land Sale
4 October 1816 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+ 1822~66
Land Sale
25 May 1822 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG 

1834 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG
Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG 
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
June 1800 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+16 |
1 June 1810 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+17 |
1 June 1820 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG18 |
27 June 1830 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG19 |
Last Edited | 26 January 2017 |
- [S1781] Lucian Lamar Knight, Georgia's Roster of the Revolution: Containing a List of the State's Defenders; Officers and Men; Soldiers and Sailors; Partisans and Regulars; Whether Enlisted from Georgia or Settled in Georgia After the Close of Hostilities, reprint (Baltimore, Maryland: Geneological Publishing Company, 1967), pp. 319 & 331
- [S1782] Jacob Setser, Burke County, Entry #994, 28 October 1778. Issued 28 October 1782, 44, File # 513, p. 237; North Carolina Land Grant Office Land Patent Records, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina
- [S130] Lorena S. Eaker, compiler, German Speaking People West of the Catawba River In North Carolina 1750-1800 And Some Emigres Participation In the Early Settlement of Southeast Missouri (Franklin, North Carolina 28734: Genealogy Publishing Service, 1994), p.384. Hereinafter cited as German Speaking People.
- [S1352] Catawba County Genealogical Society, compiler, The Heritage of Catawba County, NC, Volume I (Winston-Salem, NC: Hunter Publishing, 1986), Nos. 720 & 721, pp. 455-56.
- [S1783] Lincoln County, North Carolina Deed Book 28, pp. 45-46. Hereinafter cited as LCDB 28.
- [S1805] Franklin County, Georgia, Superior Court, Deed Book B: 132-133; Georgia State Archives, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia.
- [S1353] Alex M. Hitz, compiler, Land Grants Made to Revolutionary War Veterans by the State of Georgia Georgia State Printing Office, 1966), Jacob Setzer: Residence: Franklin County. Year Lottery: 1832. Draw: Cherokee County, Lot 78, District 22, Section 2. 160 acres. Year awarded: 12/18/1841.
- [S1445] James F. Smith, The Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery with an Engraved Map of Each District (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1838), Grant Book Cherokee 22-2, p. 208. Hereinafter cited as Cherokee Lottery 1832.
- [S1447] 1832 Land Lottery, Georgia, Surveyor General Plats (Georgia State Archives), Jacob Setzer. Section 2, Districts 22-23, Lot no. 78, 160 acres. Hereinafter cited as GA Surveyor General Plats.
- [S1448] Land Grant, Georgia, Surveyor General Grants (Georgia State Archives: 31 August 1793), 1832 Gold Land Lottery. Jacob Setzer. Section 2, Districts 22-23, p. 208. Hereinafter cited as GA Surveyor General Grants.
- [S1445] James F. Smith, Cherokee Lottery 1832, Jacob Setzer, Franklin County.
- [S1447] GA Surveyor General Plats, Jacob Setzer. Section 2, District 21, Lot no. 560, 40 acres.
- [S1448] GA Surveyor General Grants, 1832 Gold Lottery. Jacob Setzer. Section 2, District 21, Vol. 2, p. 750.
- [S102] Barbara Sears McRae, compiler, Records of Old Macon County, N.C. 1829-1850 (Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company, 1991), p. 18. Hereinafter cited as Records of Old Macon County, N.C.
- [S1804] "Jacob Setzer II", 2005, Derick Hartshorn ( Catawba, North Carolina) to (); held by R. M. Noggle
- [S1845] 1800 US Census, population schedule,Lincoln, North Carolina, p. p. 870, Jacob Setzer; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed 3 Nov 2003.)
- [S1846] 1810 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1847] 1820 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1848] 1830 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Mariah Elizabeth Hildebrand
F, #663, b. between 1756 and 1757, d. after 1830
Between 1756 and 1757 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG 1774
About 1774
Birth 1756 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
G+Death: 1834 | Franklin, Georgia, United States
Name Mariah Elizabeth Setzer, -(Hildebrand)
About 1774
4 October 1816 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+ She witnessed the land sale of
Jacob Setzer, II, on 4 October 1816 in Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
After 1830 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
June 1800 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+4 |
1 June 1810 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United StatesG+5 |
1 June 1820 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG6 |
27 June 1830 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG7 |
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
- [S130] Lorena S. Eaker, compiler, German Speaking People West of the Catawba River In North Carolina 1750-1800 And Some Emigres Participation In the Early Settlement of Southeast Missouri (Franklin, North Carolina 28734: Genealogy Publishing Service, 1994), p.384. Hereinafter cited as German Speaking People.
- [S1352] Catawba County Genealogical Society, compiler, The Heritage of Catawba County, NC, Volume I (Winston-Salem, NC: Hunter Publishing, 1986), Nos. 720 & 721, pp. 455-56.
- [S1783] Lincoln County, North Carolina Deed Book 28, pp. 45-46. Hereinafter cited as LCDB 28.
- [S1845] 1800 US Census, population schedule,Lincoln, North Carolina, p. p. 870, Jacob Setzer; digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed 3 Nov 2003.)
- [S1846] 1810 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1847] 1820 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1848] 1830 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Edward Bing
M, #664, b. about 1789, d. after 1840
Lee, Mississippi, United StatesG
About 1789 | Macklenburg, VirginiaG 1812
8 October 1812 | Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United StatesG Birth about 1792 | Macklenburg, Virginia
GDeath: after 1840 | Franklin, Georgia, United States
GEdward Bing and
Lucy Johnson were married on 8 October 1812 in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United States
1830 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG 1840
After 1840 | Franklin, Georgia, United StatesG
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Elizabeth E. Naugle
F, #665, b. 19 December 1861, d. 11 November 1936
19 December 1861 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG 1864~3
1864 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Elizabeth E. Naugle was approved as the guardian of
Andrew Naugle in 1864 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
G, the minor children of William Naugle.
Elizabeth E. Naugle witnessed the probate of the estate of
Sarah A. Mitchell in 1882.
14 February 1883 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Age 26
Birth 16 December 1856 | Mississippi, United States
GDeath: 24 August 1945 | West Point, Clay, Mississippi, United States
GRobert Nathan Boyd and Elizabeth E. Naugle were married on 14 February 1883 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
Name Elizabeth E. Boyd, -(Naugle)
14 February 1883
11 November 1936 | West Point, Clay, Mississippi, United StatesG
West Point, Clay, Mississippi, United StatesG 

U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
1 June 1880 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG3 |
4 June 1900 | Houlka, Chickasaw, MississippiG4  |
26 April 1910 | Houlka, Chickasaw, MississippiG5  |
14 January 1920 | Clay, Mississippi, United States6  |
2 April 1930 | West Point, Clay, Mississippi, United StatesG7  |
- [S169] CCH&GS, "Chickasaw Index to Probate Docket--1853-1870", Chickasaw Times Past X4 (Jan.-March 1992): p. 174. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Probate Docket Index--1853-1870."
- [S153] CCH&GS, "Chickasaw Probate Docket", Chickasaw Times Past XVI2 (July-Sept. 1997): p. 16. Case # 486, p.178:1882. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Probate Docket."
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1853] 1910 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1854] 1920 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1855] 1930 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
John William Naugle
M, #666, b. June 1863, d. 27 November 1911

Death Certificate - J W Naugle
June 1863 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG 1864~1
1864 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG John William Naugle was approved as the guardian of
Andrew Naugle in 1864 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
G, the minor children of William Naugle.
John William Naugle witnessed the probate of the estate of
Sarah A. Mitchell in 1882.
Between 16 July 1892 and 14 March 1897 | Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United StatesG Between 16 July 1892 and 14 March 1897 John William Naugle was a Railroad Cashier for Northern Pacific in Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United States
G. Resignation record. Took job with BA & P RR Company

10 November 1898 | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Age 17
Birth 19 January 1881 | Golden, Colorado, United States
Death: 7 January 1914 | Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United States
GHe and
Coral Estelle Hill were married on 10 November 1898 in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.
27 November 1911 | Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United StatesG 
Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United StatesG
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
1 June 1880 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG6 |
8 June 1900 | Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United StatesG7 |
15 April 1910 | Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, United StatesG8 |
- [S169] CCH&GS, "Chickasaw Index to Probate Docket--1853-1870", Chickasaw Times Past X4 (Jan.-March 1992): p. 174. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Probate Docket Index--1853-1870."
- [S153] CCH&GS, "Chickasaw Probate Docket", Chickasaw Times Past XVI2 (July-Sept. 1997): p. 16. Case # 486, p.178:1882. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Probate Docket."
- [S1822] "US, Northern Pacific Railway Company Personnel Files, 1890-1963", online database, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: viewed 24 Jul 2018), John W. Naugle
- [S1818] "Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937", online database 2014, Ancestry (Ancestry.com : viewed 24 Jul 2018), John W. Naugle & Coral E. Hill
- [S334] Montana Death Index, 1907-1953, Provo, Utah, online www.ancestry.com, Aged 47. Index # 53-176. Hereinafter cited as Montana Deaths, 1907-1953.
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1853] 1910 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
William Newton Noggle
M, #667, b. 28 January 1896, d. 27 November 1976
Family: Nina Eley (b. about 1896, d. 2 October 1969)

Death Certificate-William Newton Noggle
28 January 1896 | Wilkes, Georgia, United StatesG+
5 June 1917 | Taliaferro, Georgia, United StatesG William Newton Noggle completed WW I Draft Registration on 5 June 1917 in Taliaferro, Georgia, United States

About 1922
Birth about 1896 | Georgia
GDeath: 2 October 1969 | Wilkes, Georgia, United States
27 November 1976 | Washington, Wilkes, Georgia, United StatesG He died on 27 November 1976 at age 80 in Washington, Wilkes, Georgia, United States
G. Myocardial Infarction. Reside Taliaferro County, Georgia. GDC# 037872

U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
14 June 1900 | Woodstock, Oglethorpe County, Georgia1 |
6 May 1910 | Taliaferro, Georgia, United StatesG4 |
3 April 1930 | Sharon, Taliaferro, GeorgiaG5 |
Last Edited | 15 February 2017 |
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1761] "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918", digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 10 Jun 2010), William Newton Nogggle; citing
- [S1809] Ron, Compiler, Gedsite Cemeteries: Media Links to Source, new edition (link, 6 Feb 2017, RootsMagic & Gedsite, Software Land) p. 7, Sharon Methodist
- [S1853] 1910 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1855] 1930 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
L.E. May
F, #668, b. about 1832
Name L.E. Huffman
9 March 1873
9 March 1873 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Age ~66
Birth 1807 | North Carolina
GDeath: after 1880 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
- [S33] Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, compiler, Marriage Records, Chickasaw County, Mississippi. Volume I: 1858 To 1900 Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, 1998), p. 20. Original source: County Marriage Book Three, p. 649. Alfred Huffman on bond. Married by W.L. Couch (JP). Hereinafter cited as Chickasaw, MS Marriage Records.
- [S33] Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, Chickasaw, MS Marriage Records, p. 20.
A.D. May
M, #669, b. about 1862
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
Rachel Ann Hudy Cox
F, #670, b. 9 May 1844, d. 23 July 1900
25 November 1865 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Age 32
Birth 22 May 1833 | Lincoln, North Carolina, United States
G+Death: 29 September 1911 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
GMichael Martin Huffman and Rachel Ann Hudy Cox were married on 25 November 1865 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
Name Rachel Ann Hudy Huffman, -(Cox)
25 November 1865
23 July 1900 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG
Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG 

U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
1 June 1880 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG4 |
12 June 1900 | North 1/2 Beat 3, Clay County, Mississippi5 |
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
- [S141] James Clark, "Cemetery Records", Chickasaw Times Past VI2 (July-Sept. 1987): p. 65. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Cemeteries 1."
- [S36] , Chickasaw Times Past (), Volume 12, No. 1 (April-June) 1993, p. 4., Also Pre Marriage Book, p. 108. No bond reference and no marrying person.
- [S36] , , Volume VI, No. 2, p. 65, Records of Souls Rest Cemetery.
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Rachael Amanda Easter
F, #671, b. 22 October 1848, d. 7 January 1897

Tombstone-Rachael Easter Naugle
22 October 1848 | Monroe, Monroe, MississippiG 186718
Name Rachael Amanda Naugle
7 August 1867
7 August 1867 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Age 24
Birth 3 November 1842 | Sumter, Alabama, United States
GDeath: 7 February 1918 | Covington, Hill, Texas
GWilliam Bogan Naugle and Rachael Amanda Easter were married on 7 August 1867 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
1868 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG She was New Tag in 1868 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
G. member of Soule Chapel Methodist Church
7 January 1897 | Covington, Hill, TexasG
Covington, Hill, Texas, United States

U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
5 October 1850 | Monroe, Monroe, MississippiG3 |
7 July 1860 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG4 |
8 August 1870 | Hill, TexasG5 |
17 July 1880 | Hill, TexasG6 |
Last Edited | 11 November 2014 |
- [S33] Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, compiler, Marriage Records, Chickasaw County, Mississippi. Volume I: 1858 To 1900 Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, 1998), p. 29. E.N Henley on Bond. Married by R.G. Porter (MG). Original location: County Marriage Book One, p. 203. Hereinafter cited as Chickasaw, MS Marriage Records.
- [S159] Imogene Springer, "Reverend Lowry's Manuscripts--Soule Chapel", Chickasaw Times Past IX1 (Apr.-June 1990): p. 19. Rachel Noggle. Hereinafter cited as "Soule Chapel Records."
- [S1841] 1850 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1850] 1860 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1851] 1870 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Wesley A. Cain
M, #672, b. 20 February 1841, d. 2 August 1910

Wesley A. Cain
20 February 1841 | Limestone, Alabama, United States
16 March 1862 | Buena Vista, Chickasaw, MississippiG 
8 February 1865 | Richmond, VirginiaG Wesley A. Cain served in the on 8 February 1865 in Richmond, Virginia
G. Chimborazo Hospital (Richmond) 6-17 May 1863 (head wound). Wounded (thigh) and captured at Cedar Creek, VA 19 October 1864. Escaped 25 December 1864. Howard's Grove Hospital (Richmond) 3-4 January 1865. Retired 8 February 1865.
6 March 1867 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Age 20
Birth 30 December 1846 | Kemper, Mississippi, United States
GDeath: 17 June 1923 | Poarch, Beckham, Oklahoma
2 August 1910 | Poarch, Beckham, OklahomaG
Poarch, Beckham, OklahomaG 
He served in the. Co. A 17th Mississippi Infantry Regiment CSA (Buena Vista Rifles)
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
6 November 1850 | Monroe, Monroe, MississippiG6 |
6 July 1860 | Buena Vista, Chickasaw, MississippiG7 |
1 June 1880 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG8 |
18 June 1900 | Elk Township, Roger Mills, Oklahoma Territory9 |
14 April 1910 | Poarch Township, Beckham, OklahomaG10 |
Last Edited | 4 February 2017 |
- [S147] James Clark, "Roster of Chickasaw Confederate Soldiers", Chickasaw Times Past I1 (Apr.-June 1982): p. 13. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Confederate Soldiers."
- [S1415] , Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Mississippi, NARA M269, 427 rolls (http:www.fold3.com: Fold3.com), roll 251. Hereinafter cited as Mississippi CSA Service Records.
- [S33] Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, compiler, Marriage Records, Chickasaw County, Mississippi. Volume I: 1858 To 1900 Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, 1998), p. 6. Hereinafter cited as Chickasaw, MS Marriage Records.
- [S153] CCH&GS, "Chickasaw Probate Docket", Chickasaw Times Past XVI2 (July-Sept. 1997): p. 16. Case # 486, p.178:1882. Hereinafter cited as "Chickasaw Probate Docket."
- [S322] (Beckham County, Oklahoma), Wesley A. Cain marker, personally read, 18 July 2001.
- [S1841] 1850 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1850] 1860 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1853] 1910 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Clara Bell Seal
F, #673, b. 17 February 1848, d. 4 June 1942

Indigent Pension Application-Clara Bell Naugle
17 February 1848 | Mississippi, United StatesG 186820
Name Clara Bell Naugle
1 April 1868
1 April 1868 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Age 21
Birth 25 October 1846 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
GDeath: 9 July 1916 | Choctaw, Mississippi
September 1921 | Egypt, Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG She was was awarded a military pension in September 1921 in Egypt, Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
G. Indigent Widow of Soldier or Sailor CSA

She was was awarded a military pension CSA Pension Lists 1939-1940 in 1939.
4 June 1942 | Choctaw, MississippiG
Ackerman, Choctaw, MississippiG 
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
6 August 1870 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG4 |
10 June 1880 | Pontotoc, MississippiG5 |
23 June 1900 | Choctaw, MississippiG6 |
18 April 1910 | Fentress Beat 1, Choctaw County, Mississippi7 |
27 January 1920 | Fentress Beat 1, Choctaw County, Mississippi8 |
30 April 1930 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG9 |
18 April 1940 | Beat 1, Choctaw County, Mississippi10 |
Last Edited | 2 December 2014 |
- [S33] Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, compiler, Marriage Records, Chickasaw County, Mississippi. Volume I: 1858 To 1900 Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, 1998), p. 28. Original source: County Marriage Book One, p. 299. Andrew Naugle on Bond. Married by A.J. Seal (MG). Hereinafter cited as Chickasaw, MS Marriage Records.
- [S36] , Chickasaw Times Past (), Volume 25, #3 (Fall 2007), p. 23.
- [S38] , James Edward Clark, Our Men from Chickasaw County (CSA Service), 1983. (), Clara Bell Naugle on 1939 & 1940 Chickasaw County, MS Confederate Pension Rolls as a Class 3 Widow.
- [S1851] 1870 US Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1852] 1900 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1853] 1910 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1854] 1920 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1855] 1930 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
- [S1856] 1940 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Mary Eliza Naugle
F, #674, b. about 1875
U. S. Census Records
Date | Place |
12 June 1880 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG1 |
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
- [S1839] 1880 US Federal Census, population schedule, digital images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com : accessed.)
Pleasant T. Dozier
M, #675
3 December 1867 | Chickasaw, Mississippi, United StatesG Birth about 1837 | North Carolina
GPleasant T. Dozier and
Adeline Huffman were married on 3 December 1867 in Chickasaw, Mississippi, United States
Last Edited | 29 September 2014 |
- [S33] Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, compiler, Marriage Records, Chickasaw County, Mississippi. Volume I: 1858 To 1900 Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, 1998), p. 11. Original source: County Marriage Book One, p. 302. A.T. Allen on bond. Married by A.T. Allen (JP). Hereinafter cited as Chickasaw, MS Marriage Records.